Sīn für…
Sīn für… سلام = salām Frieden, Peace Frieden, von einem Tornado weggetragen Peace, carried away by a tornado. Pigmenttinte, Graphit- und Farbstifte auf Aquarellpapier 300g/m2, 15cm x 15cm Pigment ink, continue reading | weiterlesen
alphabet & pattern
Sīn für… سلام = salām Frieden, Peace Frieden, von einem Tornado weggetragen Peace, carried away by a tornado. Pigmenttinte, Graphit- und Farbstifte auf Aquarellpapier 300g/m2, 15cm x 15cm Pigment ink, continue reading | weiterlesen
T for… Tassel Today, a dear friend showed me how to make a tassel. Thank you! Tassel – Quaste Heute hat mir eine Freundin gezeigt, wie man eine Quaste herstellt. continue reading | weiterlesen
Alef for… امل = amal Hope, Hoffnung Hope can be more of a colour impression than a specific shape. Hoffnung ist manchmal eher ein Farbeindruck als eine konkrete Gestalt. Farbstifte continue reading | weiterlesen
B for… Bright Skies Bright skies are delightful as long as you don’t need to worry about bombs falling on your head. A common german expression for „bright, wonderful weather“ continue reading | weiterlesen
N for… November Skies November skies can be surprisingly bright November Skies – Novemberhimmel Novemberhimmel können auch mal überraschend klar sein Farbstifte auf Aquarellpapier 300g/m2, 15cm x 15cm Colour pencils continue reading | weiterlesen
E for… Existential Worries Humans worry so much about what will remain when the worms, the fish or the flames have done their job. I don’t know if sheep have continue reading | weiterlesen
I for… Icelandic Wool If you really want to knit a long-lasting sweater, worth the effort and time you put into it, Icelandic Wool, specially the natural, undyied yarn, will continue reading | weiterlesen
W for… Wool In order to compensate for all the pastel shades of the last few days, I found a very pretty handspun merino wool yarn in bright orange, reds continue reading | weiterlesen
C for… Contrast It’s interesting to see that adding just a little bit of contrast to pastel shades can bring rather flat colours to life. Contrast – Kontrast Es ist continue reading | weiterlesen
B for… Pastel Shades of Blue Pastel shades of blue are somewhat less sweet than their pink sisters. Pastel Shades of Blue – Blaue Pastelltöne Blaue Pastelltöne sind immerhin weniger continue reading | weiterlesen