مُهِمّ = muhimm important, wichtig It takes some practise to figure out which information is important and which is rather marginal when making an effort to learn a new continue reading | weiterlesen
alphabet & pattern
مُهِمّ = muhimm important, wichtig It takes some practise to figure out which information is important and which is rather marginal when making an effort to learn a new continue reading | weiterlesen
mīm für… مُهِمّ = muhimm wichtig, important muhimm = wichtig ist eines der ersten wichtigen Wörter die man lernen kann wenn man beginnt, Arabisch zu lernen. muhimm = important is continue reading | weiterlesen
B for… Beads You need to get your adrenaline pumping? Just imagine your cat jumping into your stash of well sorted beads. Beads – Glasperlen Sie brauchen gerade einen Adrenalinschub? continue reading | weiterlesen
S wie… Segen Hat Segen eine Farbe? Und wenn ja, welche? Segen – Blessing Does blessing have a colour? And in case it does, which colour would that be? Farbstifte continue reading | weiterlesen
Two for… Two Threads Working with two threads through the eye of one needle on the sewing machine gives very interesting results when using different colours. Two Threads – Zwei continue reading | weiterlesen
T wie… Tasche Ich hatte mal eine Tasche mit einem seltsamen Wellenmuster, das dann doch ganz anders aussah als dieses hier. Tasche – Bag, tote bag I once had a continue reading | weiterlesen
K für… Klarheit (2) In anderen Momenten der Klarheit sieht die Welt eher unübersichtlich aus. clarity (2) In other moments of clarity, the world looks rather confusing. Pigmenttinte und Farbstifte continue reading | weiterlesen
K für… Klarheit In Momenten der Klarheit kann die Welt ganz einfach aussehen. Klarheit – clarity In moments of clarity, the world can seem to be very simple. Pigmenttinte und continue reading | weiterlesen
W for… Wool In order to compensate for all the pastel shades of the last few days, I found a very pretty handspun merino wool yarn in bright orange, reds continue reading | weiterlesen
C for… Contrast It’s interesting to see that adding just a little bit of contrast to pastel shades can bring rather flat colours to life. Contrast – Kontrast Es ist continue reading | weiterlesen