Suddenly One morning, all of a sudden and out of nowhere, the colour Yellow stands there and demands attention. During the day you realize it has been knocking at your continue reading | weiterlesen
alphabet & pattern
Suddenly One morning, all of a sudden and out of nowhere, the colour Yellow stands there and demands attention. During the day you realize it has been knocking at your continue reading | weiterlesen
Reif Manchmal dauert es, bis die Zeit reif für etwas ist, doch dann heißt es rechtzeitig pflücken. Sometimes, you have to wait until it’s the right time to do someting, continue reading | weiterlesen
P for… Perseverance Perseverance can be a virtue that fires back at you when you persevere on the wrong track. But when you find your way back to a track continue reading | weiterlesen
H für… Holzweg Die Versuche, meine Alefbaba-Alphabete in Stickdateien umzusetzten, waren bislang eher unergiebig. Es hatte etwas von dem Versuch, einem einfachen elektrischen Synthesizer den Klang eines Flügels zu entlocken. continue reading | weiterlesen
L for… Lace Making delicate lace with a sewing machine today takes a huge amount of practise, so that lace made with the home sewing machines of the early 1920ies continue reading | weiterlesen